
  • - Effective Date: These terms are effective as of 03.10.2023
  • - Updates & Revisions: TikWave.co is subject to evolution, and these terms will adapt accordingly, with changes becoming effective immediately upon posting.
  • - Language of Reference: The English version of these terms takes precedence over translations.

Risks and Platform-Specific Policies

  • - Transparent Operations: At TikWave.co, we anchor our operations on absolute transparency, consistently enlightening users on the intricate dynamics and potential pitfalls associated with employing third-party promotional services alongside social media platforms.
  • - Platform Policies Comprehension: Users are necessitated to meticulously examine the specific terms of service of social media platforms, including but not limited to TikTok, ensuring an intricate understanding and compliance to mitigate against potential conflicts and associated ramifications.
  • - Potential Repercussions: The disalignment with platform-specific guidelines may precipitate an array of consequences, ranging from cautionary notices to irreversible account suspensions or bans.
  • - Artificial Enhancement Risks: Users must discern the inherent risks associated with artificially amplified metrics, acknowledging the potential for intensified scrutiny and consequential account reviews or investigations.
  • - User Due Diligence: The onus of understanding and navigating the intricate terrain of platform-specific rules and potential repercussions squarely lies with the user. TikWave.co is absolved from any liability arising from punitive actions precipitated by the user's engagement with our services.

Account Takedown

  • - No Liability Clause: TikWave.co unequivocally absolves itself from any liability associated with unexpected account suspensions or removals across social media platforms, accentuating the user's sole responsibility in such occurrences.
  • - Platform Rules Compatibility: The intersectionality of our promotional services and platform-specific regulations may sometimes be contentious. Any content or account removal resulting from this dichotomy exempts us from refund obligations but commits us to resume promotional engagements upon content re-upload and URL sharing.
  • - User Responsibility Acknowledgment: The navigation through the intricate waters of platform-specific regulations is the user's responsibility. TikWave.co disclaims any compensation or liability, accentuating user responsibility in the event of account repercussions or removal.

Limitation of Liability

  • - Liability Exclusion: TikWave.co, inclusive of its extensive stakeholder network, is exempted from any liability associated with direct or indirect damages ensuing from our service utilization.
  • - Damages Spectrum: This encompasses profit losses, data compromise, reputational impairment, among other conceivable damages.
  • - Foreknowledge Exclusion: The liability limitation retains its potency irrespective of any prior explicit notification of potential damages to TikWave.co.
  • - Class Action Waiver: Users are obligated to individual dispute settlements, waiving any rights to initiate or partake in class action lawsuits against TikWave.co.


  • - User Indemnity Obligation: Users are mandated to indemnify TikWave.co, its affiliates, and partners against any claims, losses, or damages emanating from these terms' violations or infringement of applicable legal stipulations.
  • - Third-Party Claims Shield: The indemnification extends to protect TikWave.co against any third-party claims, lawsuits, or demands precipitated by the user's infringement of platform-specific terms of service.

Subscription Services and Modifications

  • - Subscription Models: TikWave.co offers Basic, Pro, and Elite packages, each tailored for distinct user needs.
  • - Service Evolution: We reserve the right to refine or discontinue packages without prior notice, adapting to operational needs.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

  • - Legal Framework: These terms are governed by the UK's legal system. Disputes are resolved through binding arbitration in London.

Service Termination

  • - Termination Rights: TikWave.co reserves an unequivocal right to terminate or suspend any user's access to our services instantaneously, without any obligation of prior notice or explanation. This action can be instigated due to reasons including but not limited to violations of these terms, applicable laws, or any actions that are detrimental to the integrity and operations of the platform.
  • - User Responsibility: Users are expected to maintain a high standard of conduct while using the services. Any form of misuse, illegal activities, or behavior that compromises the safety, security, and reputation of the platform can result in immediate termination.
  • - Appeals and Reviews: In cases of termination, users may be provided with an opportunity to appeal or request a review, the consideration of which is at the sole discretion of TikWave.co.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

  • - Applicable Law: These terms, including the formulation, implementation, and any disputes arising from them, are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.
  • - Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or in connection to these terms, or the breach thereof, the parties hereto shall endeavor to settle the matter amicably. Failing such amicable settlement, the matter shall be resolved by binding arbitration to be held in London, United Kingdom, in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996.
  • - Arbitration Agreement: Both parties expressly agree to resolve any arising issues or disputes through arbitration, waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action.

Service Modifications and Price Adjustments

  • -Changes to Services: TikWave.co holds the right to, at any time, modify, suspend, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the services (or any part thereof) with or without notice. We're not liable to users or any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension, or discontinuance of the service.
  • -User Acknowledgment: Users acknowledge and agree that continued use of TikWave.co following the posting of any changes to the services or fees constitutes acceptance of those changes. Users are advised to review the service terms periodically to stay informed of any updates.

Force Majeure

  • - No Liability: TikWave.co shall not be held liable or responsible to the user, nor be deemed to have defaulted or breached this agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this agreement when and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, the following force majeure events: acts of God, flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, governmental actions, war, invasion, or hostilities (whether war is declared or not), terrorist threats or acts, riot, or other civil unrest, national emergency, revolution, insurrection, epidemic, lockouts, strikes or other labor disputes (whether or not relating to either party's workforce), or restraints or delays affecting carriers or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials, materials or telecommunication breakdown or power outage.

Acceptance of Terms

  • - User Agreement: By accessing, browsing, or using TikWave.co, users signify their irrevocable acceptance of these terms and conditions in full. Users are bound by these terms as long as they are accessing or using the services.
  • - Disagreement Protocol: If users disagree with any part of these terms or find them unacceptable in any form, their sole remedy is to discontinue the use of TikWave.co services. Continued use of the services signifies the user's explicit consent to these terms.

Conclusion & Acceptance

  • - Engaging with TikWave.co services indicates acceptance of these terms. Users incongruent with these terms should refrain from using our services. The terms are reviewed and updated periodically to align with evolving operational, legal, and regulatory landscapes.